Facom BP
Plastic Storage Cases (BP.MBOXM)(minor surface scratches...see photo)- for tool and small parts storage. These
are new medium sized Facom storage cases that were parted out and
the tools sold separately. They have never seen customer
use....minor scratches on the surface of the cases from storage
with other sets.
The new BP MBOX ABS plastic
cases come in 3 sizes (large, medium and small) and replace the
previous plastic case (BP.102, BP.109, BP.112 & BP.115). The
new sizes were designed to integrate with Facom's module sets.
Many of the new module sets (medium & large)(with tools) will
fit directly into the new medium/large size cases when tools need
to be taken from the shop to the field or racetrack.
- Shock resistant ABS
- Resistant to chemical
agents and hydrocarbons.
- Easy to use: easy one-hand
- Lightweight cases with
compact dimensions.