Automatic Cutting Wire Strippers (Straight) - available
in straight (146A) and 90°
(146B) versions.......
- 2 functions: cutting and
- Precise adjustment of the
stripping diameter to avoid damages
- After each stripping
operation, the jaw opens automatically to facilitate the
extraction of the wire
- Stripping capacity: 0.02 to
10 mm² (AWG: 32 - 8).
- Adjustable Stripping length
-from 3 to 18 mm.
- Built-in cutting function:
- Cutting up to: 1.5 mm² single strand wire. - Cutting
up to: 10 mm² multi strand wire.
- Ergonomic bimaterial
- Interchangeable jaws (no
tools required)
- Weight: 136 g.
- 146R2: Spare jaw.
- 793910: Set of 2 spare
- Alternate - Facom 793936