Mov'it/Porsche Front Brake Kit Components - Corvette C5

25 Lbs
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Mov'it/Porsche Front Brake Kit Components - Corvette C5 (includes modified aluminum knuckles) - between 1997 and 2002, I sold Mov'it brakes here in the US. These kits, engineered by Guido Frensemeyer in Germany, were based on Porsche 993 and 996 turbo components. I would import the kits without the heavy rotors and pads as they are readily available here in the US. This kit (complete) would sell for just approx $3,400.

The components shown include everything except the Porsche 993 turbo rotors (you'll need both left & right rotors, 99335104510 and 99335104610) and a set of pads (stock or track pads are available online). The "perforated" rotors are pretty cheap these days through Sebro (under $100ea). The expensive component is the "Big Red" calipers which sell for $1000/pair by themselves. Additional freight may be due depending on the ship to address. This kit does not ship for the $10 flat rate amount!

You choice of either RED or BLACK calipers with "Corvette" scripting. All components are new. The modified aluminum front knuckle assemblies can be used so the stock brakes can be put back on the car at a future date without issues. Some have indicated that this kit might also fit a C6 but I can't guarantee that.

All sales are final. There are 15-20 more kits and spares available for a variety of cars (Audi, BMW, Corvette, Jeep, Viper, Mazda, Mini Cooper, etc) that have been sitting on the shelves since 2002. Inventory value is approx $50,000....I'll accept any reasonable offer on the entire lot.

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