Conditions of Use
Conditions of Use
Typographical Errors - Ultimate Garage reserves the right to make changes and updates to any information contained on this web site without notice. We are not responsible for any inadvertent technical or typographical errors. We will make every effort to correct these inaccuracies as soon as they are brought to our attention.
Intellectual Property - the photos displayed on this site have been professionally taken and optimized by us. Reproduction for commercial purposes without the express written permission from Ultimate Garage is prohibited. If you have any questions about the content (text and/or images) on the site, please contact Steve D'Gerolamo at 201-262-0412 or by email at .
Price Changes - All pricing is subject to change. Changes will be communicated to the customer prior to recording any sales transactions.
Order Quantities & Limitations - Ultimate Garage reserves the right to limit quantities or cancel items purchased via phone or through the Online Store. In the event we change your order, we will attempt to notify you by phone or email.
Shipping & Delivery Delays - Ultimate Garage cannot be held accountable for shipping and delivery delays outside of its direct control.
Indemnity - You agree to indemnify and hold Ultimate Garage and its employees harmless from any liability, claims or losses, including attorney fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this site.